Friday, 27 July 2012

I haven't been posting lately.

I'm sorry.

Well, I don't have any followers so that's fine then, right? Anyway...

Life's been boring. I'll update you guys when something interesting happens.

Monday, 11 June 2012

An Update and an Invitation

I haven't written in quite sometime and I have only one plausible explanation for my absence; and that, my friends, is the prison known as school. I'm not going to complain about school, as of now it's pretty tolerable. So far, the homeworks aren't as bad as I thought they would be, and I got a pretty decent score in my Geometry diagnostic test. My classmates, well, they're very hyper; and at least I made some new friends. I hope third year won't "break me", as some would call it. I'm ready for those all-nighters (ugh, no!); and for those terrible work projects. Although, I'm pretty hyped up over our newest English Transfer Task. We're supposed to make a Literary Analysis paper on the book which we chose. I usually do those things in my head, where I analyze a character and whatnot, so I'm really looking forward to writing it down and submitting it to my English teacher.

I've also re-opened my goodreads account. Well, I never really used my old one; because I was too lazy to find out how to actually use goodreads, but now I feel productive and ready to rate and review books; and to find new ones. I should really keep my other accounts active, or to at least deactivate the ones I don't use.


I also joined this Youth Ministry here in my neighborhood. I was a bit apprehensive about that at first; but then I realized that several Theresians from the batch above me joined, so I decided to give it a shot.

This Saturday, we're having a fun run. If any of my followers here are interested in joining, please message me on my Tumblr . I must remind all of you though that in order to join this fun run, you'll have to pay Php 150 and it starts in the wee hours of the morning. You get a free shirt and a bag of goodies! But it'll be totally worth it!


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Flawed Design

Hi guys! Okay, so, this is going to be a really short blog post (I'm tired and I can't stop thinking about school, so, yeah).... but I just found Loki's song. Well, I rediscovered it, that is. I was searching for fanvids of the Avengers online and well, I saw this, and then I thought: WOW! This is so Loki! 

Well, I searched this song on Tumblr, and boy, was I late. It turns out a lot of people realized this as well. Haha. Oh well, here's a video of the song with Loki as the star.

Disclaimer: This video is not mine.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Enchanting Enchantress

Hi guys! So, today I'm totally happy because; number one: It's my grandfather's ____ birthday, (nope, not going to tell you how old he really is. He might kill me if I do. Haha. I'm kidding. Love you, grandpa) and we're eating out today. We're going to this small restaurant near our neighborhood, and I'm so excited because, well, I haven't eaten there in AGES; and I'm really craving their roastbeef and gravy right now.

And number two, I finally got the Enchantress! It's the latest and final installment of the series known as The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel- a series, which I fell inlove with two years ago. The story revolves around Nicholas Flamel, the great Alchemyst and his wife Perenelle Flamel; and their search for the Golden and Silver Twins. I'd go into detail, but the plot is incredibly complicated. I fear that by simply summarizing the whole thing here, I'd be half-dead by the time I'd finish. Haha, kidding again. I'm in a really good mood.

Honestly, this is one of my favorite book series (along with Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, The Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles, The Secret Series, the Mysterious Benedict Society, Septimus Heap, The 39 Clues... well, you get the picture); and personally, I think Michael Scott is a genius; I love how he portrayed Billy the Kid and Virginia Dare. His character development is brilliant, and I hope to somehow be as good as he is in the future.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Two Friends, Two Subjects

Right now, there are two things on my mind. One is about the constant yelling and podium-slamming that's happening on TV right now; I am watching the final verdict of Corona that is happening on my television. After watching Miriam Defensor's speech, I couldn't help but think: Wow. Shouting really doesn't help when you want to be listened to.

Take note, I said listened to. Not heard. There is a very big difference between the two.

Sure, I was interested in the speech of Ms. Miriam Defensor, but honestly, I couldn't help but reach for my remote control and turn down the volume as she yelled. Her mouth, moving in directions I couldn't have dreamed a mouth could moved in, caught my attention--- more so than the words coming out of her mouth. The way she switched from Filipino to English really got on my nerves; once I got used to her screaming in rapid fire Filipino, she'd suddenly pull an Oprah Winfrey and give a very clear and proper sentence spoken in English. It was only during the end, after I went up and got an Advil pill from the medicine case, did I realize that she didn't want Corona to be convicted.

Groaning at the fact that her voice was very loud and annoying, I went to my grandfather and said that Miriam Defensor should not have spoken; and that she should have said her verdict in one sentence, I was shocked that he answered me with a simple sentence: She had the best argument.

Now that I had time to think of it, I really didn't listen to her message. In fact, I simply sat there, complaining that she was straining her vocal cords. Yes, I heard her voice (which was very loud, in fact), but I didn't listen to what she said. Perhaps Miriam Defensor had a good speech, and perhaps her arguments were very strong and thought-out, but her shouting got in the way of what she was saying. When you shout, you don't only make yourself tired; you actually make everyone listening to you tired as well. Most of the people in the room, would just go: What the hell, I'll just put on my earplugs. Tell me when she's done talking; and only the few with a a bucket filled with patience would just go and actually listen to the person shouting.

That is why from now on, I promise not to strain my voice. I promise not to scream when no one listens to me, or when someone starts arguing with me. If I want someone to listen, I'll simply go talk to that person calmly and assertively--- the perfect combination, according to Cesar Milan, that is.


The second thing on my mind is on jealousy. Well, not the kind of jealousy which Korra might feel whenever she'd see Mako and Asami together (Oh my gods, I am addicted to that show.); no, I'm talking about the jealousy I feel whenever I see two of my friends growing closer together as I slowly drift away. You see, I have had this friend since god knows when. I grew close to this person, and I considered her as a sister. We talked for hours on end, and she seeemed like someone I could confide with. She became that friend I'd always dream I would have--- the Stitch to my Lilo, the Flounder to my Ariel, the Mushu to my Mulan....

But suddenly, we added another person to our loop and soon we became a triad. It was fun for me at first. I decided to welcome this person with open arms; making sure she'll feel accepted in our circle (not that I needed to; my other friend was doing fine without me). The phrase "the more the merrier" came into mind as I'd talk to her and my friend. I definitely agreed with that statement then...

As of now, I'm not so sure. I feel that I'm starting to drift away from the two; I feel as if I'm slowly turning into a ghost when I stay with them. Now a days, I merely observe from a distance as I watch the two talk to each other, or if I do talk to them, they start talking about what they did while I was somewhere in the universe. I felt left out. It's as if I became the middle man, the fallback guy and whatnot.

But I don't blame them. I don't blame myself. I don't blame anyone else but growth, maturity and development... and the weird thing is, I don't know why I blame them either.


Anyway, I can't think of anything else to write. I'll just stop writing and take another long, cold shower. That might be able to clear my mind.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

New Layout

I just wasn't feeling the old one. What do you think? To save or not to save?

Headaches and Migraines

My head has been throbbing for the past few days. Maybe I've simply been over thinking a few unimportant things- such as if I should go ask for a new laptop from certain people; or to just create a time schedule in order for me and the old man to be happy. Maybe it's the fact that I've been trying to re-write this certain story which I started during first year (Yanna, China and Biannah, if you happen to stumble across this blog, do remember that story? During the Centennial?), and I'm trying to make the characters a little less Sue-ish and a little more real. Or, and this is the most plausible reason for my sudden migraines, maybe it's the fear of entering  third year- the hardest and scariest year known to man. It could also be a combination of all three.

Whatever it is, I am in great need of Advil right now. I'm just going to finish writing this article before I take a nice, long, cold shower. Or... maybe I should take it right now and leave this article half finished. After all, authors do leave their work in mid-sentence (TFIOS, anyone?). It gives the readers something to