Earlier this afternoon, I watched a brilliant movie about a boy. Hugo Caberet is a young boy who loved to tinker with objects (his specialty is clocks). Now this young boy Hugo, tried to steal a toy mouse from Monsieur Georges and was caught in doing so; because of this, Georges stole the boy's notebook (which belonged to his deceased father) and threatened to burn it. In desperation, Hugo follows Monsieur Georges home and begs him to not burn his notebook. When Georges turns a blind eye to the poor boy, he asks help from Isabelle, the bookworm and vocabulary buff goddaughter of Georges.
This movie has taught me a lot of things; although the one lesson that I will forever hold in my heart is that you should never fail to dream. In the movie (SPOILER ALERT), Georges Méliès gave up on his dream to make movies after the war ended; that lead him to enter the cold and harsh zone of depression. For years, Georges tried to forget his past dreams, and focus on his present situation in life. It was only after he met Hugo did he realize that dreams are meant to be achieved; and although the failures of the past may get you down, the promise of the future always looms in air. Never forget that.
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